Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mid Summer's Update

It's hard to believe that summer is (almost) half over. So far, it's been a great summer for us. We have placed 720 kids at camp which is a total of $254,076.85 in camp fees, we have been having great articles each Saturday in the Winnipeg Free Press, and of course the weather has been good, for the most part, for our campers.

Our one challenge right now is that we have a waiting period for campers. We need to wait for our donations to catch up so we can send more kids to camp. Right now, our waiting list has 4 kids on it with the total cost of their camp fees being $1,960.50.

So, if you haven't done so, we ask that you please give what you can and help us send all the kids that come though our door a chance to go to camp.

Also, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


The Sunshine Fund

Friday, May 18, 2012

May Camper Update

May has just flown by here at the Sunshine Fund office! Applications are coming in just as fast as we can place kids at camp.

These are our placement numbers to date:
Placed Kids: 299
Kids waiting to be placed: 75
Cost of placed kids: $109,262.51

These number are a bit ahead of where we were this time last year, which is great! Our goal is always to place as many kids at camp as we can each summer. However, this comes with challenges as well, the biggest one being our donations.

Right now our average cost per camper is $365.43 so if we want to place 1000 kids we would need $365,430 in donations, which would be more than we've ever received in one summer.

We are also gearing up to start our donor campaign which will get us very close to that donation mark. So if you are looking to hold a workplace fundraiser or just wanting to help us out this summer call 784-1130 and we can work with you to send kids to summer camp.

From all of us at the Sunshine Fund office we hope you have a wonderful and safe May Long Weekend!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunshine Fund Update

Wow, April is almost over and that means we are one month closer to summer! Here are our updated numbers for this week:

137- Number of kids placed in camp
$54,669.25 - Cost of camp fees for the children placed
72- Number of kids waiting to be placed in camp

So with the number of kids placed and those waiting we are slightly ahead from 2011 and a bit behind 2010. We hope to have more kids than ever placed this summer, but with that comes the issue of receiving enough donations to make that work. We never like to have a waiting list due to lack of funds or worse, turning families away because we are short on funds.

Help us this year by making a donation. You can call our office Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pm to make a donation. You can also stop by our office at 302-960 Portage Ave in Winnipeg.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Wow! Spring is here and we are already well on our way of placing kids into summer camp. We are also gearing up for some exciting events and campaigns.

First let me tell you about our campers so far this year. We have already placed 103 campers and that number is increasing every day. This puts us ahead of our placement numbers from last year and just a bit behind what we recorded for this time in 2010. We hope to be on track this year to send 1000 kids to camp, which would be one of the best years ever for us in terms of number of kids placed at camp.

However, that too brings challenges. With sending a record number of kids to camp we need a record number of donations this year before summer ends. Last year the average camp fee was approximately $359.81. So, if we want to send 1000 kids to camp we would need a record breaking $359,810.00 donated. Last year we raised $270,216.69 and sent 775 kids to camp.

That's a lot of numbers, but what it comes down to is that we need $89,593.31 more in donations that we had last year. 

This is where we come to you and ask you to help us send more kids than ever to summer camp. We can help you organize office fundraisers, school fundraisers or any other idea that sparks your interest. Call our office (204-784-1130) and our Program Coordinator Janis will be happy to discuss how we can help you organize an event.

Camp Caravan
Now onto our annual Camp Caravan. This year we will be at Kildonan Place on April 14 & 15 during mall hours. We want you to come and visit with us, and the camps that come with us. There are so many camps and we want to help you find just the right one for your child.

You will also be able to pick up Sunshine Fund applications and ask any questions you have about our program.

Our Social Media
We have branched out and now have a Facebook page and a Twitter account! We want you to like us and continue the conversation on  Facebook and Twitter. You can 'Like' us on Facebook HERE and add us on Twitter from our username SunshineFundMB

Monday, March 12, 2012

P.S I Love It Here-Kids Letters From Camp

As some of  you may know, the Sunshine Fund has published a book! This is very exciting for us because it has been an idea in our office for a long time, and it finally happened.

The book is called "P.S I Love It Here-Kids Letters From Camp" and is filled with the letters we get every summer from children who want to go to back to camp or go for the first time.
We were very lucky to have a Red River College student work on the project for us. Her name is Brittany May and she was so great to work with on this! Brittany did an amazing job of designing and laying out the book for us, she had to sift through so many letters and photos to decide which ones to include.
A snapshot from inside P.S I Love It Here-Kids Letters From Camp

Before we talk more about the book we just want to thank Brittany May so much for all her hard work, many hours, and always enthusiasm  during the past year. With out Brittany, our book would not be as amazing as it is.

Brittany also put on a book launch for us at McNally Robinson here in Winnipeg. The book launch was fantastic and we thank everyone who came out to support us.
P.S I love It Here-Kids Letters From Camp display at McNally Robinson on Grant

So now, more about the book and why we published one. It's pretty simple actually, we want everyone to know what camp means to the children we send. Summer camp means something different to every one, but one thing that is true for all kids, is that camp is fun, and that's why they want to keep going.

Camp is an opportunity for kids to learn new skills, become more confident and independent, but all they  know is that they are having fun!

P.S I Love It Here-Kids Letters From Camp is available at our office for $20 or at McNally in the Grant Park Shopping Mall.

Call our office if you are interested in picking up a copy today (204) 784-1130.

 Camp 2012
With summer camp just around the corner we are working hard on placing kids into camp, and have already place 20 with lots more on the way! As always we rely heavily on the great support from the community and this year is no different. So we continue to ask for you support so we can send every child that applies to camp.

If you want to host a 3rd party fundraiser in support of the Sunshine Fund at work, school or your community please call our program coordinator Janis (204-784-1130) and together we can help you find just the right fundraiser!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Time!

Our 2012 applications are here and ready for you! It's finally that time of year when you can apply to send your child to camp.

You can download our application form off our website or if you applied last year we are working on sending you an application in the mail. If you don't have access to a printer and didn't apply last year we can also mail you an application, just call our office (204) 784-1130 to get on sent to you.

Here are some links to previous posts about how to apply and other helpful information to have when applying.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why Camp?

Information you need when you apply:
Health Card
Custody Agreements

As always if you need any help when filling out your application please contact our office and our program coordinator will be happy to assist you. Call us Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm at (204) 784-1130 or email

Monday, January 16, 2012

Camp is Coming!

I know, it's only January and summer seems so far away. Well, it's not! Summer is creeping up and we are getting ready for it here at the Sunshine Fund. We are working on getting our 2012 applications ready so you can start applying and get the spot you want for your children.

While you wait for us to get our application ready, you can start getting all your documents ready too. This will make your application process go faster and seamlessly.

What we need you to send in:
1. Camp Application
We need you to send in a completed camp application with your Sunshine Fund application so we can hold that spot at the camp for your child.

2. Income Verification
Income verification means we need your 2011 Income Tax statement. We need Line 150 we we can verify your total income. If you do not have your 2011 Income Tax statement back by the time you wish to apply please call our office for other options of verification. Our phone number is 204-784-1130.

3. Manitoba Health Card
We need a copy of your MB Health Card to verify that you and your child are both residents of Manitoba and to confirm how many people live at the same address as you. 

4. Parent Contribution
We do not have the new chart for the 2012 parent application so this part will have to wait until our applications come out.

5. Letter
We would love it if you and your child sat down and wrote us a letter saying why they want to go to camp and if they have been before why they love going to camp. We love to share these letters with the donors of the Sunshine Fund (all while keeping the identity of the child and family anonymous.) to increase our donations and to show everyone the real impact the Sunshine Fund has.

So this is what you need to apply for funding. If you have any questions please call our office, we are open Monday to Friday 9-4:30pm.

Also please note that our 2012 application will be available for download on our website and if you applied last year we will send you one by the end of January. If you did not apply last year please call us with your mailing address.
