Friday, June 15, 2007

Stats & Letters from Children

Sunshine Fund Stats:

306 Children placed so far this year
Children Waiting to be place: 56

This weeks donations: $13,271
Year to date donations: $71,445

This week we would like to share with you a couple of letters we receive from the parents and children.

One parent writes: "I am a single parent with two kids. I was also raised with one parent, so I know the hardships of being one. I try to give my kids experience in life rather than the material things that would fade or get old in time. As a kid I went to camp twice and still to this day I wish I could relive it. That's what makes summer so fun for so many kids that might not have the chance to go without the Sunshine Fund. I believe camp would open up a world of experience for my children."

Siblings write to us to say: "The thing I like the most about camp is basically everything. They have good food and activities. From other years of being there I have made at least 40-50 new friends." (14 year old boy)

His 10 year old sister says: "It's a good place to get to meet new friends. They have good food and very fun games to play. Last year was the funnest week of my life rock climbing is the funnest."

On behalf of these children and families we thank all our donors and supporters for their generosity.

Just three more weeks and camp will start! We still have lots of spaces available at camps located all over the province and in the Kenora/Lake of the Woods area - get your application from our website at or call us at 784-1130.

Now, we would love to see some activity in this blog - why not take a moment and share your favourite camp experience with us?