Families who apply to the Sunshine Fund must submit an application that undergoes a thorough process to determine eligibility. The policy of the Sunshine Fund is to assist families that are able to verify that their income levels do not exceed the level as indicated by the Stats Canada Low Income Cut-off measures. Proof of income must accompany the application for funding.
Since 1979, the Sunshine Fund has provided financial assistance to over 18,000 children and has not turned any child away due to lack of available funding. Each year, nearly 1/2 of all applicants are first time recipients of Sunshine Fund Funding. Some children will attend camp through the Sunshine Fund for 2-3 years, and in some cases, greater. Each time families apply, the criteria is the same - family income levels must not exceed the Low Income Cut-off level.
The benefits of a camping experience is a most positive and lasting one. The more times that a child can attend camp, whether it be for 2, 3 or 4 years & beyond, will have a greater impact than attending once. To this end, the Sunshine Fund believes and supports the decision to not provide just one opportunity per child in their childhood ages, but provide an opportunity to factor in the positive growth & development of a child that will positively impact them in the future and into adulthood.
Some of these children that have attended once, twice or three or more times, are now Camp Counselors, are working in the community or volunteering, or are even young adult donors helping provide an opportunity for other children today - much like they were once helped.
Children can not be held accountable for a families financial situation - childen must be embraced, encouraged and nurtured. It is one of the Sunshine Fund's goals of achieving this through the delivery of a camp experience for less fortunate children & youth.