Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What you need when you apply - Custody Agreements

I told you  last week I would go over what was needed if you are a parent applying for your child, but you do not have primary care and control.

First of all we always want the primary parents to apply for the child. This makes the whole process go smoothly for several reasons. The first being that we need the child's primary parent's financial information for the application.

We realize that this is not always possible so in the case that you do not have primary care and control we need several things.

1. Custody agreement
We need to go over your custody agreement so we can verify which parent has care and control of the child. Once we determine that the parent applying does not have primary care and control we ask for number 2.

2. Written permission
We then ask for written permission from the parent with primary care and control allowing the other parent to send the child to summer camp. We would also ask for this parent's financial information, if the custody agreement leads us to ask, if not we will take the parent's who is applying.

If the parent with primary care and control does not consent permission to allow the child to attend camp we will have to further review the custody agreement to see what control each parent has during their visitation days. If it does not allow the non primary parent to send the child, unfortunately we can not send the child.

Foster children are not eligible for Sunshine Fund funding because they have funds available to them through their agency for recreational activities. If your child is a foster child please contact your child's agency to arrange a summer camp experience.

The best way to know what you need when sending your child to camp is to call or email our office and inform us of your family's needs so we can work together to send your child to summer camp.

Contact us at 204-784-1130 or email sunshinefund at mbcamping dot ca

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What you need when you apply - Health Card

Today we are going to tell more about the information you need to submit when applying to the Sunshine Fund. A few weeks ago we told you in more detail what we need in terms of financial information. You can read that post HERE.

Another piece of information we need sent in is your Manitoba Health Card. Ideally your health card should have all people living in your house on it. This would be you and your spouse (if applicable) and all your children.

However this is often not the case. Often parents have a child that is 18 or older living in their house and then not on the health card, or they have their parents living in the house.

When this is the case, we need everyone's health card sent in. That means we need the child who is over 18 or the parents.

If your child who is wanting to go to camp is not living in your house or on your health card, we need to have the child's health card and proof of guardianship. Only the parent who has custody of the child may apply for the Sunshine Fund (unless we have special written permission from the custodial parent of the child).

Why do we need your Manitoba Health Card?
We need your Manitoba Health Card because we need to verify how many people live in your house. We need to know how many people live in your house to properly assess your income status and ultimately your eligibility for the Sunshine Fund.

Hopefully this information has helped you, if not please leave us a comment and we will answer any questions you have. You can also email sunshinefund@mbcamping.ca.

Next week we will tell you what steps to take if you do not have custody of your child but still want to send them to camp.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Camp Assiniboia

About Camp Assiniboia
Camp Assiniboia is located on the forested banks of the Assiniboine River near Headingley, 16KM SW of Winnipeg. This vibrant summer camp offers week long sessions for children and youth. It also offers day camp for children.

Campers grow in body, mind and spirit through the activity program. Horsemanship, ropes course, crafts, drama, archery, and swimming build strength and skill. Nature study encourages campers to appreciate and care for their environment. An age appropriate Bible exploration program provides moral teaching and spiritual growth opportunities. Music is an important part of camp life. Staff teach campers a repertoire of original Camps with Meaning songs as well as some camp classics. The low staff-to-camper ratio contributes to a feeling of close community. Campers bond in their cabin groups throughout the week, and get to know each other even better during the weekly camp-out in the forest.

At Camp, everyone is encourage to participate, regardless of ability or skill-level. Activities are taught in a way which maximizes cooperation and minimizes competition. Campers with special needs are integrated into the program. Campers in grades 1 to 3 are offered a half week experience as an intro to camp.Trained staff provide physical and emotional care for all campers. The food, prepared by a qualified Food Services Coordinator, is healthy and delicious.

The camp is owned and operated by Mennonite Church Manitoba, and is open to all campers.It is also available for year round rentals. Contact the camp for more information.

Camp Type: Residential (overnight) and Day Camp
MCA Accredited: Yes
For Children: Ages 6-18
Gender: Co-ed
Session Length: 5-6 days
Average weekly fee: $250

Ropes course

Mennonite Church Manitoba
200-600 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg MB, R3P 2J1

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Camp Arnes

About Camp Arnes
Camp Arnes is a year round camp, conference and retreat center located on the western shore of magnificent Lake Winnipeg. We offer a beautiful, natural backdrop for all sorts of experiences ranging from adventure summer camps for youth to outdoor education for school and weekend group retreats; our property is also available for rental through our booking department.

Summer is one of our most exciting times. We offer a variety of camps for youth ages 6-17; general sleepover camps, day camp, horse camp, paintball camp and several high school programs. Our activities include but are not limited to high ropes course, zip line, canoes, kayaks, archery, arts and crafts, camp fires and chapel times.

Statement of Goals
 Camp Arnes is an inter-denominations Christian camp, committed to presenting opportunities for children and youth, to experience an unforgettable adventure while hearing the message of Jesus Christ.  We endeavor to do this by providing an exceptional environment, character and leadership development, recreation, and a respect for the world around us. 

High ropes course
Zip line
Arts and crafts
Camp fires
Chapel times

Contact Informaiton
Box 28009 RPO NK
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 338-4647

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Caddy Lake Camp

About Caddy Lake Camp
Our camp is located at the southeast corner of Caddy Lake, north of West Hawk Lake in Manitoba' beautiful Whiteshell Provincial Park. Since 1949 we have taught thousands of girls the skills they needs to safely navigate the wilderness while having fun and making friends for life. 

At Caddy, campers are offered the experience of sleeping in four person canvas platform tents, complete with cots and mattresses or they can choose to sleep in our bunkhouse that holds 12 girls. Our counellors are trained to lead your daughter in outdoor living, water activities, arts and crafts and more.

Our canoe and kayak camps have access to some of the most unique canoeing routes in the province. Paddle through tunnels onto peacful serene lakes. Camp on some beautiful sites close to the waters' edge and hear nature at it's best.

Caddy is run under the guidance and owernship of the three Areas of Girl Guides of Canada Guides du Canada in around the City of Winnipeg and follows Guiding pricniples. Howerver, our camp is for ALL girls-membership is not required.

Statement of Goals
At Caddy Lake camp, the girls enjoy a program that is designed to give them opportunities to develop as individuals through rich and rewarding experiences in outdoor living. 

Camp type:  Residential (overnight)
MCA Accredited:  Yes
For Children: Grades 2-11
Gender: Girls
Session Length:  5-7 days
Average weekly fee:  $340
Location: Whiteshell Provincial Park 8KM west of West Hawk Lake
Transportation: Yes
Nature Study

Contact Information
5-1549 St. Mary's Road
Winnipeg MB,R2M 5G9
Phone: (204) 255-2970
Fax: (204) 255-4388


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What you need when you apply - Financial Information

There are several documents you will need to submit when applying for funding. I am going to go through each one in a different post as to not overwhelm you with information.

The fist and most important document (besides the Sunshine Fund application) is your financial information. This could be any one of the following documents:

- Your income tax return from the previous year
- Your budget letter from the government of Manitoba
- 4 of your most recent pay stubs

We need these documents for everyone living in the house making money, so either both parents, any aunts, uncles or grandparents living in the house.

Why do we need these documents?
We need these financial documents to determine your eligibility for funding. We base our funding on level of income and if you exceed that level you will not receive funding. 

These documents above provide us with the most official, accurate account of your income.

We do not share your financial information with anyone outside the Sunshine Fund office unless approved by the person with whose information needs to be shared. 

If you have any questions about what financial information you need to provide please leave us a comment or contact us at (204)784-1130.

Stay tuned for more information on documents you need to submit.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bird River Bible Camp

About Bird River Bible Camp
We are located in the beautiful Canadian Shield and offer a wide variety of activities during a Sunday to Friday stay on site. Each camper will live in cabins with up to 11 other campers for the week and at least 2 cabin leaders in each cabin. Your camper will have the bets week of the summer as they enjoy what we have to offer! Come and check us out this summer, you won't be disappointed!

Statement of Goals
To provide campers with an opportunity to to study the Bible in the context of a Christian camping experience and to seriously consider entering, or more fully developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Camp Type: Residentail
MCA Accredited: Yes
For children: Grades 2-7
Gender: Co-ed
Session Length: 6 days
Average weekly fee: $235 (for the summer of 2011)
Location: 135km North East of Winnipeg on Hwy 315
Transportation: Yes

Activities at Bird River Bible Camp
Nature Study
Rock climbing

Contact Information 
Box 11250
Lac du Bonnet, MB R0E 1A0
Phone: 877-897-5506
Fax: 204-345-8677
Email: info@birdriver.net
website: www.birdriver.net

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

B'nai Brith Camp

B’nai Brith Camp

About BB Camp
BB Camp is dedicated to provide a comprehensive Jewish camping experience and leadership development opportunity for youth.

Statement of Goals:
Residential program: to provide a comprehensive Jewish camping experience and leadership development opportunity for youth.

Day Camp (non denominational program): To provide a comprehensive day camping experience for youth.

Camp Type: Residential & Day Camp
MCA Accredited: Yes
For children: Ages 8-16
Gender: Co-ed
Session Length: 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks
Average weekly Fee: $720
Location: Town Island, Lake of the Woods Ontario.
Transportation: Yes

Nature study
Rock/wall climbing


Contact Info:
C128-123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, MB R3N 2B2
Phone in Winnipeg 204-477-7512
Phone May to August 807-548-4178
Fax 204-477-7518
Summer fax 807-548-8144

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why Camp?

Here at the Sunshine Fund and Manitoba Camping Association, we believe every child should have the opportunity to attend summer camp. We believe in it so much we raise money from private donors to make sure kids who want to go but can't afford it get that chance.

So why should your child experience summer camp? There are many reasons, let me tell you some:

1. Getting to experience nature
Photo Source

Most of the children that go to summer camps are from urban centers, they don't get to experience lakes, canoeing, forests and other aspects of nature unless they go to a camp.

At many camps, children get the chance to swim in a lake, or go canoeing, and some camps have nature instruction. Kids can learn about nature first hand  by going on nature walks or living on an island for a week.

Also, let's face it, being in nature and outside can be a whole lot better than sitting inside on the couch playing video games. 

2. Gain confidence and independence
Photo Source

Kids can learn to be more independent from their parents while at camp in many ways. First of all they are sleeping away from home for a week. This can often cause homesickness for a day or two but then the child learns that it's okay and safe to sleep away from home.

While at camp kids will also experience activities they have never done before. By participating in these activities kids will grow confident in their own abilities and strength. This can often carry on in other areas of their life such as school and home life.

3. Learn new skills
Photo Source

Like I said above, at camp kids will try new activities. These activities can initiate new skills that a child never knew they had or wanted to pursue. For example maybe a child learns they really enjoy swimming and want to join a swim team. Or their cabin did a dance at the camp talent show and your child really took to it fast.Your child could have also recited a poem or verse for their cabin and discovered they love public speaking or that it wasn't as hard as they thought.

There are so many skills your child can learn at camp.

Your child can benefit in many ways by going to camp, this is why we want them to go.