Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Camps

In the previous post I mentioned our Accredited Camps. I didn't go into detail about what or who they are, but keep reading to find out now!

What is an Accredited Camp?
Camps in Manitoba have come to an agreement on standards for a safe and quality camp. Accreditation is a process where the camp is visited by an outside experienced camp operator to check whether or not the camp is using these standards. Standards checked include:
 - Staff selection, training, and supervision
- Providing a good program with safe practices for the activities offered
- Safety and quality of the site and facilities
- Caring for the health of campers

This accreditation is monitored by the Manitoba Camping Association and camps choose if they want to be accredited through the MCA.

What does Accreditation mean to the Sunshine Fund?
The Sunshine Fund will only provide funding for those children wanting to go to an Accredited Camp.

What camps are Accredited through the MCA?
Here is a list of the Accredited Residential Camps that your child could attend with financial support from the Sunshine Fund:
(a residential camp means the camp is an overnight summer camp)

Anglican Camp
B'nai Brith Camp
Bird River Bible Camp
Caddy Lake Girl Guide Camp
Calvary Temple Camp
Camp Arnes
Camp Assiniboia
Camp Cedarwood
Camp Koinonia
Camp Massad
Camp Moose Lake
Camp Nutimik
Camp Quality
Camp Wannakumbac
Camp Wasaga
Camp Y
Cdn. Diabetes Association Camp Briardale
Circle Square Ranch
Dauphin Bible Camp
Gimli Bible Camp
Luther Village
Manitoba Pioneer Camp
Red Rock Bible Camp
Rock Lake United Church Camp
Roseau River Bible Camp
St. Malo Catholic Camp
Simonhouse Bible Camp
Tumbleweeds Ranch
Turlte Mountain Bible Camp
Wellman Lake United Church Camp
Winkler Bible Camp
YMCA/YWCA Camp Stephens

Accredited Day Camps
Assiniboine Park Zoo Camp
Mini U- University of Manitoba
Rady JCC Summer Day Camps

So these are all of the camps your child can attend with funding from the Sunshine Fund next summer. In the posts to follow I will tell you more about each of these camps so you can pick a camp that is right for your child.

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